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Spam. What is this and how we prevent.

Spam all unknowņ harmful message etc brief study

 Be aware from the Spam call/message and harmful stuff.

1))Unknowņ mail . Link . Etc..??

If you receive any type of messages. Email. Link. Then don't reply, In anyhow , if they want your bank account details and give you money from it. In any condition you do not have to give your Prsonal information to them bcoz they use as per their personal profit. They are in a group nd want to get data from anywhere all over the world and use to harm you and may be possible that they get money from your details becoz as we all know now a days we connect our mobile with bank account and PayPal account.  So which is the worst part ever. If you do not accept than see the headlines of newspaper etc.

What is spam messages,ullu bana dena


      If you received any Unknowņ message from anyone stranger who send you hlo* and ultimately want to play any game than just block it bcoz it may harm you so without getting harm you just block.  Ultimately they want you to commited suicide, which is the bad thing ever . Even then do not try any kind of these game as try version becoz it is possible that they brain wash yours nd ultimately you become unstable at a time so indirectly you committed suicide nd their agenda become true . Nd you become helpless at that time you loose your life and your parents become/keep in worst condition of their life. So bee safe..

3))Fake calls......

         If you received any call or MISSED call from Unknowņ number then do not try to reply bcoz definitely it will harm you or a spam call. In india govrment ALERTS all the people behind this situation nd the phone number starts with +5 or 4 may be a spam and harm you bcoz it will contain such types of thing. Specially i wanted to alert India bcoz in Indian many people reply In such  call which contain foreign phone number to talk with them but they do not have that much knowledge that it may harm u so from now if you received any Unknowņ phone number don't reply nd stay safe.

Be aware and stay free . You r safe then world grow up..........

If these things happens to u also then comment down below. And the preventio is simple: you have to avoid them becuse it may be harmful so with the positive hope.

By by;-)


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