Why smartphone battery swells with time. ☆ Why smartphone baterry swells with time. ☆ Hey guys today i tell you that why our smartphone's battery swells . ☆So i guess you all deal with this problem ocassionally if you do then today i gave the reason for that,before that i would like to ask something that you would ever think about it that why our battery sweels. If no then okh. ☆So before telling the practical reason i like to gave you some chemical reason also:- Something is sweels in that condition if it is filled with something like water or air. In the case of battery it is filled with air, i know you think that where this air comes from it is not go from outside although it comes from inside yah thats true the air formed inside the battery. ☆So you definately ask me where this air come from? So there is two terminal in battery positive and negative, positive side calls cathode and nrgative side calls anode. Due to cahrging there is an REACTION tak...
Did u know the origin country of every smartphone Brand?kya aap jantein hai sabhi smartphone brand kaha se talook hai
Did u know the origin country of every smartphone Brand? What is the Origin Country of Smartphone Company. 1》》This is a list of mobile phone makers of every country. About the blog:- In this blog/article i tell u about the origin country of smartphone in India , basically this list is for Indian zone because as i am an Indian so i know more about my countries that is how many smartphone company selling their phones in India . If u are out of India then this article is less important to u but some smartphone company are...