Why smartphone battery swells with time.
☆Why smartphone baterry swells with time.
☆Hey guys today i tell you that why our smartphone's battery swells.
☆So i guess you all deal with this problem ocassionally if you do then today i gave the reason for that,before that i would like to ask something that you would ever think about it that why our battery sweels. If no then okh.
☆So before telling the practical reason i like to gave you some chemical reason also:-
Something is sweels in that condition if it is filled with something like water or air.
In the case of battery it is filled with air, i know you think that where this air comes from it is not go from outside although it comes from inside yah thats true the air formed inside the battery.
☆So you definately ask me where this air come from?
So there is two terminal in battery positive and negative, positive side calls cathode and nrgative side calls anode.
Due to cahrging there is an REACTION takes place in between cathode and anode due to which small amount of air formed which is filled in the outer most layer of battery and over the time it keeps maximise, and when air passed out its limit then battery starts swelling. This is the chemical reason for swelling up of smartphone battery.
☆Practical reason for swelling of battery:-
1)Heating of battery:-•When you work in your phone for long time then your battery starts heating and due to that air is slowly starts forming.
•The second reason is when you play heavy games. Then also your smartphone heats.
•When you work on ur mobile with connected charger on it then also ur phone heats up.
2)Over charging:- yeah this is also a reason for swelling of battrry. Overcharging with low brand or not same brand of charger from company.
3)Manufacturing deffect:- It is possible that ur battery is deffective. This can be possible bcoz there is some case where battery blast in smartphones so that is another reason for it.
1) DO not work on phone while charging this makes ur bterry swels bcoz when u charge rxn takes place if u work on it within charging this reactions speed up.2)Control ur phone from heating and stay away ur phone from fire place or something like that.
3)Charge your phone from original chargers only. Do not used dupicate ones.
So that is my reason for swelling of battery of smartphones. If u like this then thankuuuuu.
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