Why PUBG become so popular. 2019 games.
☆Topic:- Why PUBG become so popular.Pubg.com
●HEy guys today ,I gonna tell you that why pubg is become so popular in world and India.
Around 2018 this game was launched and many people are download this game and play.Pubg.us●Soo are you having smartphone yes, then you definitely know about the apps (application) you wanted to play some games ,and if you're interested in games then you definitely know about pubg About it.2019 I think you definitely know that right, what is Pubg and I think you play it right.
Could you imagine that why this game overcome all the remaining games in play store and Apple Store, no then why I'm here for so I gone tell you that why pubg become so popular in the world.
1) Good graphics: you all know that the graphic is become very important now a days for a gamer if you are a gamer then you definitely know about the graphic and importance of the graphic ,people like the game which consists high quality graphics so Pubg fulfill this needs of all of the people.
2) Good story: yeah this is very much important reason for the popularity of pubg. here you want to ask me something that bro there is no story in the game,but trust me there is a story that;100 people eject from a plane to a unknown place where they have to kill enemies and the last Stand man is going to win. This is a story of a game bro, now you tell me that this is not a story it is all the game. But guys in the language of game content is story which matters alot. In the game you have to pick some bullets gun to kill the enemy so you survive to last.
3) Regular update: yeah this is also an reason for popularity of pubg.Because of regular updates game become more secure more tgings are add to the game which make audience more exited for the game.People start talking about the update and from this game become more popular.
4) Change theme/change in stuffs: For making this game better game developers continously change the themes becoz it make audience not bored,if people regularly watch same theme then they getting bored,so for make the game intresting developers always change the themes.
5) Super affordable: here I mean that this game support every single smartphone, so people who don't have flagship phone and donot wanted to purchase any game can also play it for free. if I talk about India flagship phone is not that much in trend people do not want to get flagship phone bcoz of low budget, they only prefer mid range smartphone.Audience like India where max peoole use mid range phone they also can play pubg in their smartohone.
6: Variation: This game has large amount of variety of guns,clothing, parachute and stuff like that so people enjoy and wanted to get these stuff to make their game character attractive. from playing the game they get more clothing more parachutes more and more theme and more skin for the guns by cross their mission which atrract them.
7)) Shooting game/survival game: people who want to play a shooting game/survival game love pubg because the game consists both of the both of the variety,shooting/survival. So people want to play these type of games always go for pubg.
8) Tak of the town: As you all know if something is new around you,the the people started talking about it & gossip about it so that is a strong reason for making pubg popular,people making Hype of the game by talking about it the strong possibility to make this game so popular and becomes so big.
9)Stream: You can also watch stream of pubg in youtube from wher u like this game and wanted to play.Pubg youtube
●so that is my reason or my point of view why pubg become popular.If you enjoyed this article then leave a comment because I want your feedback.
●And if u have any other reason then comment me i defimately add to my article with your name,how's the idea tell me u can join me by gmail. Yupp you also read my other article so if u enjoy then visit again please.For this article that is sufficient i think....